Meet Our Escorts London and Make them Feel Special

How does a gent make a London Escort lady feel special?

By London Escorts Imperial London Escorts Agency, 3rd October, 2015

How does a gent make a London Escort lady feel special?

I believe it does not matter whether a lady is a lifelong companion or someone one meets just fleetingly: It is always worth treating her with total deference.

It is often the simple things, like noticing her new hairstyle, what she is wearing, cooking for her, a bunch of flowers for no reason, a simple compliment or a smile, which make the difference and make her feel special.

Many a time I have met a lady and said she has beautiful eyes or a naturally warm smile, for example, only to be told no-one has ever told her that before! What a crying shame!

One lady I met for a first meeting was so taken aback by a bunch of roses and a box of chocolates, she could not stop looking at them or mentioning them. My abiding memory of this simple gesture was her saying her ex-husband had never treated to these in seven years.

It is not a cynical ploy to ingratiate one’s self and to buy favour. That would be unforgivable: It is done solely with good intentions to make the lady feel special.

It is one of the benchmarks of my meetings with a Companion to pamper her. I do not have to do it, but I do it because I want to do it, because I want to make her feel special and for her to enjoy and to remember our time, however brief. No other reason.

The reaction of professional ladies is almost universal in loving the attention and appreciating the thought. I say “almost universal”, as to date only one lady has taken exception to the concept of pampering but I was fortunate to find this out before we ever met.

I love to give a lady a slow, gentle and sensual massage. Of course ladies enjoy it, but I also find it very arousing too, so far from detracting from my own enjoyment, it enhances it.

I also enjoy taking a simple gift to say I appreciate her, I respect her and I value her time. Similarly, I take some nice refreshments to give her a treat.

I will always find something to compliment the lady on in a sincere fashion.

I also enjoy giving the lady plenty of pleasure during our private time. Whilst I always hope this relaxes the lady and gives her a great time, it also adds to my own enjoyment.

But this is just my style; each to their own. If ladies appreciate it, then I gain great satisfaction from making her time as memorable as mine. At the end of the meeting, I would rather be remembered for the right reasons than the wrong ones.

This is just a simple example of what I believe translates readily into everyday life. All women, I believe, want to feel valued. Even if it is just the little things like holding a door, carrying a bag or helping her up some stairs with a pushchair, little things go a long way to making a big difference and to making her feel special.


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