Many London escorts women and men who are interested in becoming an escort will want to make sure that their activities are legal. It is common to assume that being an escort is illegal, but this is not the case. It is actually totally legal to be an escort. In other words there is no law against you advertising yourself as an escort.
If you are an escort you must be over 18 years of age, anyone under this age who is found escorting can be booked as can the client if there is proof that sex has taken place. So with this in mind you need to know how successful female escorts manage to advertise their services and make money at the same time.
One of the first things you need to be aware of is that you are not legally permitted to advertise sexual services in telephone booths, telegraph poles, flyers, brochures and so on. You can however advertise your escorting services online using ads that are tasteful.
If you choose to work with an agency you will be put on an escort directory and you will be able to receive payment via the agency. Many escorts prefer it this way as they are able to work for an agency that uses a service such as Escort Shield which is working to improve escorting for independent escorts and agencies. It does this by monitoring people within the industry, altering agencies and escorts of anyone to be suspicious of and helping to create escorting businesses. There is even an offence reporting tool which will allow you to view anyone who has been convicted of offences relating to escorting which will help you to stay safe while working.
It is important that you keep up to date with the law relating to escorting if you are in this line of work to make sure you are acting legally. Stepping outside of what is considered legal can land you in a lot of trouble so it always pays to be on the right side of the law when you are working and advertising your services.