Our London Escort Agencies Escorts who enjoy giving the fisting escorts service love to give their clients fisting services as they like to be in control and give their clients pleasure. Our Fisting Giving escorts service is when one of our London Escorts scrunches their hand up into a fist shape and inserts this inside a client’s anus or pussy. This can feel really sexy to the client because of the pain element involved, a lot more people are open to experiencing new sensations now and enjoy the sensation of being fisted. It could be that as a man your previous sexual partners haven’t been open to giving you fisting or it may be that you’re a female client who wants to experience fisting from one of our Bisexual Escorts or Male Escorts who has more confidence and experience of doing this highly sexualised act. Fisting involves really letting go and trusting your sexual partner as they have complete control with their hand inside of you, it can feel tense and really tight, plus if you’re a man and wanting to try this for the first time it will be painful. However if you like to be dominated then our London Escort Agency would highly recommend for you to try one of our London Escorts giving fisting escorts service as we are sure you will like the slight pain and complete trust needed to experience this. We would suggest using lube and we would suggest a lot of foreplay beforehand. Our London Escorts who give the fisting service are experienced and will help you to feel at ease before you experience this incredible sensation.